Parking Requirements

Colorado Springs Parking Requirements

Use Types  Minimum Required Off Street Parking Spaces In All Zone Districts
Accessory dwelling unit  1 space per dwelling unit  
Studio or efficiency  1.1 spaces per dwelling unit  
1 bedroom  1.5 spaces per dwelling unit  
2 bedrooms  1.7 spaces per dwelling unit  
3 bedrooms  2.0 spaces per dwelling unit  
Elderly (60 or over)  0.6 space per dwelling unit  
Dormitory, fraternity or sorority house  0.5 space per bed  
Detoxification center  1 space per 8 beds  
Domestic violence safe house  1 space per 8 beds  
Drug and alcohol treatment facility  1 space per 8 beds  
Family care home  1 space per dwelling unit  
Family support residence  1 space per 8 beds  
Human service facility:  1 space per 8 beds  
Hospice  1 space per 8 beds  
Human service home  1 space per dwelling unit  
Human service residence  1 space per dwelling unit  
Human service shelter:  1 space per 8 beds  
Large family care home  1 space plus 1 per 8 beds  
Residential childcare facility  1 space per 8 beds  
Mobile home  1 space per mobile home space  
Mobile home park  1 space per mobile home space  
Retirement home  0.6 space per dwelling unit  
Rooming or boarding house  0.5 space per bed  
Single-family detached dwelling  1 space per dwelling unit  
Call center  1 space per 200 square feet1  
Financial services; bank, savings and loan, credit union  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Administrative, business or professional  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Telemarketing  1 space per 200 square feet1  
Residential portion only  1 space per dwelling unit  
Nonresidential portion only  The lesser of: 1 space per 300 square feet or 1 space for each nonresident employee  
Medical offices, labs and clinics  1 space per 200 square feet1  
Agricultural sales and service, nursery  1 space per 600 square feet for buildings plus 1 space per 2,000 square feet of outdoor storage and display1  
Auto service  1 space per 200 square feet1  
Automotive rentals  1 space per 400 square feet of office space plus adequate space for vehicle storage and display1  
Automotive repair garage  1 space per 200 square feet of building area plus adequate space for vehicle storage1  
Automotive sales  1 space per 400 square feet of office space plus adequate space for vehicle storage and display1  
Automotive storage yard  1 space per 400 square feet of office space1  
Automotive wash  1 space per bay or stall  
Auto Body and fender repair services  1 space per 200 square feet of building area plus adequate space for vehicle storage1  
Construction equipment business  1 space per 400 square feet of office space plus adequate space for vehicle storage1  
Equipment rental and sales  1 space per 400 square feet of office space plus adequate space for vehicle storage and display1  
Equipment repair services  1 space per 200 square feet of building area plus adequate space for vehicle storage1  
Equipment storage yard  1 space per 400 square feet of office space1  
Bar, tavern or nightclub  1 space per 100 square feet1  
Bed and breakfast inn  1 space per 2 guestrooms or suites  
Building maintenance services  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Business office support services  1 space per 500 square feet1  
Business park  1 space per 500 square feet1  
Campground  1 space per 400 square feet of office space1  
Commercial center:  Less than 10 acres  1 space per 250 square feet1  
Commercial center:   10 - 30 acres  1 space per 300 square feet1  
Commercial center:   Over 30 acres  1 space per 300 square feet1  
Communication services  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Construction sales and services:  Completely enclosed  Includes outside activities  1 space per 600 square feet1  
Consumer convenience services  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Consumer repair services  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Data center  1 space per 400 square feet of office space1  
Exterminating services  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Convenience food sales  1 space per 300 square feet1  
General food sales  1 space per 300 square feet1  
Specialty food sales  1 space per 300 square feet1  
Funeral services  1 space per 4 seats  
Hookah bar  1 space per 100 square feet1  
Hotel/motel  1 space per 1 guestroom or suite plus 1 space per 200 square feet of restaurant space plus 1 space per 8 seats of meeting space1  
Kennels  1 space per 400 square feet of office space1  
Liquor sales  1 space per 300 square feet1  
Medical marijuana center  1 space per 300 square feet - retail, 1 space per 400 square feet - office  
Medical marijuana infused product manufacturer  1 space per 750 square feet  
Medical marijuana Optional premises cultivation operation  1 space per 5,000 square feet - grow and process, 1 space per 400 square feet - office  
Miniwarehouses  None, but spaces are required for accessory uses  
Mixed commercial-residential  See the specific requirements for the commercial and residential uses  
Mixed office-residential  See the specific requirements for the commercial and residential uses  
Personal improvement services  1 space per 250 square feet1  
Personal consumer services  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Pet services  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Pharmacy:  Office  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Pharmacy:  Retail  1 space per 300 square feet1  
Amusement park  30 spaces per acre  
Arcade or game room  1 space per 300 square feet1  
Bowling alley  4 spaces per lane  
Commercial stables, riding academies and/or corrals  1 space per 5 stalls  
Golf course  4 spaces per hole  
Golf driving range  1 space per tee  
Ice and roller skating rink  1 space per 150 square feet1  
Miniature golf course  1 space per hole  
Pool hall  2 spaces per table  
Racetrack  1 space per 4 seats  
Shooting range  1 space per firing lane  
Stadium and/or sports arena  1 space per 4 seats  
Swimming pool  1 space per 150 square feet of pool area1  
Tennis, handball or racquetball facilities  3 spaces per court  
Theater  1 space per 4 seats  
Recreational vehicle park  1 space per recreational vehicle space  
Restaurants:  Drive-in or fast food  1 space per 100 square feet1  
Restaurants:  Outdoor seating  1 space per 200 square feet1  
Restaurants:  Quick serve  1 space per 100 square feet1  
Restaurants:  Sit down _ served at table  1 space per 100 square feet1  
Retail, general:  Department store, market, etc.  1 space per 300 square feet1  
Retail, general:  Furniture or appliances  1 space per 600 square feet1  
Sexually oriented business:  Bar  1 space per 100 square feet1  
Sexually oriented business:  Retail  1 space per 300 square feet1  
Surplus sales  1 space per 300 square feet of both outdoor and indoor display area1  
Teen club/young adult club  1 space per 100 square feet1  
Veterinary service:  Large animal hospitals  1 space per 200 square feet1  
Veterinary service:  Small animal clinics  1 space per 200 square feet1  
Administrative and safety services  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Cemetery  1 space per 400 square feet of office space1  
Club (membership):  Recreational clubs  1 space per 150 square feet1  
Bar  1 space per 100 square feet plus 1 space per 400 square feet for office and remaining area1  
Crematory services  1 space per 400 square feet of office space1  
Cultural services  1 space per 750 square feet1  
Daycare center  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Preschool  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Detention facilities  Per development plan  
Charter schools:  Elementary or junior high  2 spaces per classroom  
Charter schools:  Senior high  1 space per 4 students  
College and university  0.5 space per faculty member and employee plus 1 space per 6 students  
Nonpublic schools:  Elementary or junior high  2 spaces per classroom  
Nonpublic schools:  Senior high  1 space per 4 students  
Nonpublic schools:  Proprietary schools  0.5 space per faculty member and employee plus 1 space per 6 students  
Public schools:  Elementary or junior high  2 spaces per classroom  
Public schools:  Senior high  1 space per 4 students  
Hospital  2 spaces per bed  
Maintenance and service facility  1 space per 200 square feet1  
Public assembly  1 space per 4 seats  
Public park and recreation services  Determined by Park Board  
Religious institution  1 space per 4 seats  
Semipublic community recreation  1 space per 4 seats  
Medical  1 space per 200 square feet1  
Office  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Retail  1 space per 300 square feet1  
Utility facilities  Per development plan  
Accessory retail sales  1 space per 300 square feet1  
Construction batch plant  1 space per 750 square feet1  
Construction or contractor yards  1 space per 750 square feet1  
Custom manufacturing  1 space per 750 square feet1  
Garbage service companies  1 space per 200 square feet1  
General industry:  Heavy  1 space per 750 square feet1  
General industry:  Light  1 space per 750 square feet1  
Industrial laundry  1 space per 750 square feet1  
Junkyard  1 space per 750 square feet1  
Manufacturing  1 space per 750 square feet1  
Meatpacking and related industry  1 space per 750 square feet1  
Mining operations  1 space per 400 square feet of office space1  
Large recycling collection centers  1 space per 1,000 square feet1  
Recycling processing centers  1 space per 1,000 square feet1  
Research and development  1 space per 400 square feet1  
Stockyards  1 space per 400 square feet of office space1  
Transfer facility  1 space per 1,000 square feet1  
Truck terminal  1 space per 200 square feet1  
Vehicle dismantling yard  1 space per 400 square feet of office space1  
Warehouse  1 space per 1,000 square feet1  
Warehousing and distribution  1 space per 1,000 square feet1  
Parking lot/surface parking  Per development plan  
Parking structure  Per development plan  
Aviation facilities  Per development plan  
Railroad facilities  Per development plan  
Transit station  Per development plan  
Transportation terminal  Per development plan  
Community gardens  None  


Minimum Required Off Street Parking Spaces
In All Zone Districts, Except As Allowed In
Subsection 7.3.712A

The parking requirements shown here are the typical required parking standards for the city of Colorado Springs.  Variance or exclusions to the parking count requirements could be allowed by the code for a specific project.  The city of Colorado Springs parking requirements are for general information.  The Colorado Springs standard parking requirements for an area can be modified by zoning overlays or other Colorado Springs parking code requirements specific to each project.