Jacksonville Parking Requirements by Use
Use | Parking Requirement |
Single-family dwelling | Two spaces |
Multiple-family dwellings | One and one-half spaces for an efficiency, studio or one bedroom dwelling not exceeding 500 square feet, one and three-quarters spaces for one bedroom dwelling containing 500 square feet or more, two spaces for two bedroom dwellings and an additional one-quarter space for each bedroom in excess of two, plus one space for owner or operator and one space for each two employees. In determining the number of bedrooms, rooms depicted as dens, studios and similarly depicted areas shall be construed to be an additional bedroom for the purposes of determining the number of off-street parking spaces required. |
Rooming and boarding houses | One space for each two bedrooms |
Mobile home park | Two spaces for each mobile home, plus one space for each 200 square feet of non-storage floor area for manager's office, laundry facilities, recreation building, etc. |
Mobile home on individual lot | Two spaces |
Housing for the elderly | One space for each two dwelling units |
Nurses' homes, convents and monasteries | One space for each four lodging units |
Fraternity and sorority houses | One space for each two residents |
Hotels and motels | One space for each sleeping room plus the spaces required for accessory uses such as restaurants and meeting rooms |
CCBD District Residential | No off-street parking space is required when a dwelling unit is created within an existing nonresidential structure. One off-street parking space is required for each dwelling unit for new construction |
Sanitariums, rest homes, nursing homes, convalescent homes and homes for the aged | One space for each four beds plus one space for each employee or resident manager |
Community residential homes | One space for each employee or resident manager, plus one space for each four beds |
Hospitals | One and one-half spaces for each bed |
Churches and funeral homes | One space for each three seats in a sanctuary or chapel area, or one space per 35 square feet of gross floor area in the main auditorium, whichever is greater |
Art galleries, libraries and museums | One space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area |
Orphans' homes | One space for each employee plus one space for each six beds |
Kindergarten, elementary and junior high schools | Two spaces for each classroom, office room and kitchen |
Senior high schools | Five spaces for each classroom, office room, kitchen, gymnasium and auditorium |
Day care/care center | One and one-half spaces for each employee plus adequate provision for loading and unloading of persons |
Dance, art and music studios | One space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area |
Vocational, trade and business schools | One space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area |
Colleges/universities | Four tenths of a space per commuter student plus five tenths of a space per resident student, plus 0.85 of a space per faculty or staff member; provided, however, that the Chief may adjust these requirements where warranted to reflect project mass transit utilization and existing or proposed availability of carpooling and/or vanpooling programs |
Private clubs | One space for each four seats or one space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater |
Restaurants | One space for each four seats in public rooms plus one space for each two employees |
Theaters | One space for each four seats |
Bowling alleys | Three spaces for each alley, plus required parking for any other uses on the site |
Stadiums and arenas | One space for each four seats |
Community center, meeting rooms, recreational facilities | One space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area or one space for each three seats, whichever is greater |
Billiard parlors | Three spaces for every two tables |
Public, private and commercial parks, campgrounds and recreational areas | One space for each campsite or picnic area |
Golf driving ranges | One space for each tee plus required parking for other ancillary uses on site |
Nightclubs | ightclubs not located within the Downtown Overlay Area shall provide parking spaces based on the formula (GFA * .0904) * F = PS where "GFA" is the square footage of Gross Floor Area of the structure(s) occupied by the Nightclub, where ".0904" is a constant number, where "PS" is the total number of parking spaces derived through and resulting from application of the formula rounded up to the nearest whole number, and where "F" is an occupancy factor based on the GFA as follows: 0 to 14,999 GFA - F = .25; 15,000 to 24,999 GFA - F = .2; 25,000 to 39,999 GFA - F = .13; 40,000 GFA and above - F = .12. Nightclubs located within the Downtown Overlay Area shall be treated as "restaurants" for purposes of determining the required number of parking spaces. |
Professional and business offices, including medical and dental offices or clinics | Three spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. There shall be a maximum of six spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. |
Research laboratories | One space for each two employees plus one space for each company vehicle plus two spaces for patron parking. |
Radio or television broadcasting office or studio | One space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area. |
Business, commercial or personal service establishments (not otherwise listed) | Three spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. There shall be a maximum of six spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. |
Marinas | Two spaces per three boat slips plus one space per four dry boat storage spaces plus spaces for other uses a normally required, including restaurants. |
Auto service station | Two spaces plus four spaces for each service bay. |
Auto repair | One space per 200 square feet of gross floor area. |
Bus, railroad or other transportation terminals | One space for each 400 square feet of non-storage floor area, plus one space for each two employees. |
Industrial, wholesale, warehouse, storage and similar uses | One space per 2,000 square feet of gross floor area. However, the parking ratios for the Off-Street Parking Overlay, under Section 656.361.16 shall be calculated based upon one space for each 5,000 square feet of gross floor area, or one per employee on the peak shift, whichever is greater. |
656.604. Number of off-street parking spaces required
Off-street parking spaces shall be provided and maintained in all districts. The parking standards provided herein are minimum requirements, however, except as set forth in subsections (e) and (f) below, the maximum number of off-street parking spaces permitted for any use shall be the minimum required plus 20 percent of the required spaces for parking lots with less than 100 spaces, or ten percent of the required spaces for parking lots with more than 100 spaces. There shall be no maximum number of off-street parking spaces for single-family dwellings. Parking spaces located in parking garages do not apply toward the determination of the maximum number of parking spaces. Additional increases in parking, beyond the allowed, shall require an Administrative Deviation and parking demand analysis.
656.605. Number of off-street loading spaces required
Off-street loading spaces shall be provided and maintained as follows, except that additional off-street loading spaces shall not be required in the CCBD District for alteration, modernization or repair of existing buildings.
(a) Each retail store, storage warehouse, wholesale establishment, industrial plant, factory, freight terminal, merchant, restaurant, mortuary, laundry, dry cleaning establishment or similar use which has an aggregate floor area of:
(1) Over 5,000 square feet but not over 25,000 square feet shall have one space.
(2) 25,000 square feet but not over 60,000 square feet shall have two spaces.
(3) 60,000 square feet but not over 120,000 square feet shall have three spaces.
(4) 120,000 square feet but not over 200,000 square feet shall have four spaces.
(5) 200,000 square feet but not over 290,000 square feet shall have five spaces, plus one additional off-street loading space for each additional 90,000 square feet over 290,000 feet or major thereof.
(b) Each office or financial institution shall provide one space for the first 75,000 square feet of gross floor area, and one space for each additional 60,000 square feet or major fraction thereof.
(c) With respect to multiple dwellings:
(1) For each multiple dwelling or apartment or hotel having at least 20 dwelling units but not over 50 dwelling units—One space.
(2) For each multiple dwelling unit having over 50 dwelling units—One space plus one space for each additional 50 dwelling units or major fraction thereof.
(d) For each auditorium, convention hall, exhibition hall, museum, motel, hotel, office building, sports arena, stadium, hospital, sanitarium, welfare institution or similar use which has an aggregate floor area of over 10,000 square feet, but not over 40,000 square feet—One space, plus one space for each additional 60,000 square feet or major fraction thereof.
(e) For a use not specifically mentioned, the requirements for off-street loading facilities for a use which is so mentioned and to which the unmentioned use is similar shall apply.
The parking requirements shown here are the typical required parking standards for the city of Jacksonville. Variance or exclusions to the parking count requirements could be allowed by the code for a specific project. The city of Jacksonville parking requirements are for general information. The Jacksonville standard parking requirements for an area can be modified by zoning overlays or other Jacksonville parking code requirements specific to each project.