Parking Requirements

Memphis Parking Requirements

Specific UseMinimum Parking Spaces
Single-Family (Detached and Attached) and Two-Family1.0 for each unit with 2 or less bedrooms;
2.0 for each unit with more than 2 bedrooms
Single-Family (Detached and Attached) and Two-Family on lots less than 40 ft.
in width
1.0 per unit
Multifamily in the RU-4 and RU-5 zoning districts1.0 per unit
Multifamily in the RU-3 zoning district1.25 for each unit with 1 or less bedrooms;
1.5 for each unit with 2 or more bedrooms
Multifamily in all other zoning districts; Upper-Story Residential Guest0.15 per unit
Multifamily in all other zoning districts; Upper-Story Residential Studio1.0 per unit
Multifamily in all other zoning districts; Upper-Story Residential 1 bedroom1.5 per unit
Multifamily in all other zoning districts; Upper-Story Residential 2 bedroom1.5 per unit
Multifamily in all other zoning districts; Upper-Story Residential 3 bedroom1.5 per unit
Multifamily in all other zoning districts; Upper-Story Residential 4 bedroom1.5 per unit
Manufactured Home Unit
2.0 per unit
Manufactured Home Guest0.2 per unit
Group Living
(see 2.9.2B)
1.0 per 4 beds
Community Service
(see 2.9.3A)
1.0 per 300 SF FA
Day Care
(see 2.9.3B)
1 space for each 5 individuals accommodated, up to 50 individuals; for more than 50 individuals accommodated,
10 spaces plus 1 space per 10 individuals
Educational Facility Elementary, Middle, Junior High1.0 per 300 SF of Classroom FA
Educational Facility All other uses
(See 2.9.3.C)
1.0 per 300 SF of FA or 10 for every acre devoted to use as recreation fields, plus 1 for every 4 spectator seats in auditoriums, gymnasiums or fixed outdoor seating,
whichever is greater.
Medical Facility Hospital
(see 2.9.3D)
0.5 space per bed (bassinets are not beds)& 1.0 space per
doctor on staff + 0.5 space per employee
Medical Facility Hospital All other uses
(see 2.9.3D)
1.0 per 300 SF FA
Botanical garden, nature preserve, recreational trail, park, recreation field
without fixed seats
No minimum parking requirements
Cemetery, mausoleum, columbarium, memorial park including pet cemetery,
burial grounds
1.0 per 150 plots plus 1.0 per 350 SF office area
Recreation Field with fixed seats1.0 per 10 seats or bench seating spaces
Passenger Terminal
(see 2.9.3F)
1.0 per employee, plus 1.0 per 250 SF of
terminal area
Place of Worship
(see 2.9.3G)
1.0 per 10 seats or bench seating spaces in main worship space
Social Service Institution
(see 2.9.3H)
1.0 per employee plus 1.0 per 250 SF
office area
(see 2.9.3I)
None required
Funeral Homes
Any other funeral services
1 space per 10 seats
1.0 per 600 SF FA
Bar, tavern, cocktail lounge, nightclub, restaurant with entertainment and all other uses without fixed seats1.0 per 300 SF FA
Indoor sports facility and all other uses with fixed seats1.0 per 4 seats
Office in OG district and all other districts : Call Center1.0 per 150 SF FA
Office in OG district and all other districts : All other uses 1.0 per 300 SF FA
Office in RW district1.0 per 600 SF FA
Recreational vehicle park1.0 per 4 pad sites
Golf course, country club4.0 per hole & 1.0 per employee
Outdoor shooting rangeMin 5.0 & 1.0 per firing position
Stadium or arena, commercial
1.0 per 4 seats
Outdoor Recreation: All other uses1.0 per 500 SF FA & 1.0 per 1,000 SF of
outdoor use area
Overnight Lodging
(see 2.9.4D)
1.0 per room
Parking, Commercial
(see 2.9.4F)
None required
Drive-in restaurant1.0 per 100 SF FA
Restaurant: All other uses1.0 per 300 SF FA (square footage shall
include outdoor patios and decks)
Furniture store1.0 per 600 SF FA
Art or photo studio, gallery1.0 per 500 SF FA
Retail Sales and Service with less than
4,000 square feet of floor area
1.0 per 1,000 SF FA
Retail Sales and Service All other uses1.0 per 300 SF FA
Self-Service Storage
(see 2.9.4I)
1 per 250 SF office space
Car wash, self- and full-service2.0 per bay
Auto rental, sales or leasing or boat and recreational vehicle sales1.0 per 500 indoor SF FA, plus 1.0 per 10,000 SF outdoor lot area
Vehicle Sales and Service: All other uses5.0 per bay or 1.0 per 250 SF FA, as
applicable whichever is greater
(see 2.9.4K)
1.0 space per 2 wet boat slips
Wholesale Trade
1 per 300 SF FA office space +
1 per 4,000 SF indoor storage area
Research or experimental laboratory,
without manufacturing
1 per 300 SF office space
Light Industrial: All other uses1 per 600 SF FA office space
1 per 4,000 SF indoor storage area
Warehouse and Distribution
(see 2.9.5C)
1 per 500 SF FA office space
1 per 4,000 SF indoor storage area
Heavy Industrial
(see 2.9.5D)
1 per 700 SF FA office space
1 per 4,000 SF indoor storage area
Waste-Related Service
(see 2.9.5E)
1 per 250 SF FA office space
1 per 4,000 SF indoor storage area
Agriculture Uses
(see 2.9.6A)
None required
Resource Extraction
(see 2.9.6B)
None required

Please note that there are no parking requirements in the CBD zoning district, the SCBID Special Purpose District or the Univeristy District Overlay. Consult the zoning atlas for the geographic extents of these areas.

The parking requirements shown here are the typical required parking standards for the city of Memphis.  Variance or exclusions to the parking count requirements could be allowed by the code for a specific project.  The city of Memphis parking requirements are for general information.  The Memphis standard parking requirements for an area can be modified by zoning overlays or other Memphis parking code requirements specific to each project.