Seattle Parking Requirements
Use | Minimum parking required |
AGRICULTURAL USES | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
Animal shelters and kennels | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
Eating and drinking establishments | 1 space for each 250 square feet |
Entertainment Uses, general, except as noted below 2 | For public assembly areas: 1 space for each 8 fixed seats, or 1 space for each 100 square feet of public assembly area not containing fixed seats |
Adult cabarets | 1 space for each 250 square feet |
Sports and recreation uses | 1 space for each 500 square feet |
Food processing and craft work | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
Laboratories, research and development | 1 space for each 1,500 square feet |
Lodging uses | 1 space for each 4 rooms; For bed and breakfast facilities in single-family and multifamily zones, 1 space for each dwelling unit, plus 1 space for each 2 guest rooms |
Medical services | 1 space for each 500 square feet |
Offices | 1 space for each 1,000 square feet |
Sales and services, automotive | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
Sales and services, general, except as noted below | 1 space for each 500 square feet |
Pet Daycare Centers 3 | 1 space for each 10 animals or 1 space for each staff member, whichever is greater, plus 1 loading and unloading space for each 20 animals |
Sales and services, heavy | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
Sales and services, marine | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
HIGH IMPACT USES | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
LIVE-WORK UNITS | 0 spaces for units with 1,500 square feet or less; 1 space for each unit greater than 1,500 square feet; 1 space for each unit greater than 2,500 square feet, plus the parking that would be required for any nonresidential activity classified as a principal use |
MANUFACTURING USES | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
STORAGE USES | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
TRANSITIONAL ENCAMPMENT INTERIM USE | 1 space for every vehicle used as shelter; plus 1 space for each 2 staff members on-site at peak staffing times |
Cargo terminals | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
Flexible-use parking | None |
Towing services | None |
Boat moorage | 1 space for each 2 berths |
Dry storage of boats | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
Passenger terminals | 1 space for each 100 square feet of waiting area |
Rail transit facilities | None |
Transportation facilities, air | 1 space for each 100 square feet of waiting area |
Vehicle storage and maintenance uses | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
UTILITIES | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet |
Non-residential uses in urban centers or the Station Area Overlay District 4 | No minimum requirement |
Non-residential uses in urban villages that are not within an urban center or the Station Area Overlay District, if the non-residential use is located within a frequent transit service area. 4 | No minimum requirement |
Non-residential uses permitted in MR and HR zones pursuant to Section 23.45.504. | No minimum requirement |
Adult family homes | 1 space for each dwelling unit |
Artist's studio/dwellings | 1 space for each dwelling unit |
Assisted living facilities | 1 space for each 4 assisted living units; plus 1 space for each 2 staff members on-site at peak staffing time; plus 1 barrier-free passenger loading and unloading space |
Caretaker's quarters | 1 space for each dwelling unit |
Congregate residences | 1 space for each 4 sleeping rooms |
Cottage housing developments | 1 space for each dwelling unit |
Floating homes | 1 space for each dwelling unit |
Mobile home parks | 1 space for each mobile home lot as defined in Chapter 22.904 |
Multifamily residential uses, except as otherwise provided in this Table B for 23.54.015 1 | 1 space per dwelling unit, or 1 space for each 2 small efficiency dwelling units |
Nursing homes 2 | 1 space for each 2 staff doctors; plus 1 additional space for each 3 employees; plus 1 space for each 6 beds |
Single-family dwelling units | 1 space for each dwelling unit |
All residential uses within urban centers or within the Station Area Overlay District 1 | No minimum requirement |
All residential uses in commercial and multifamily zones within urban villages that are not within urban center or the Station Area Overlay District, if the residential use is located within a frequent transit service area 1, 4 | No minimum requirement |
Multifamily residential uses within the University of Washington parking impact area shown on Map A for 23.54.015 1 | 1 space per dwelling unit for dwelling units with fewer than two bedrooms; plus 1.5 spaces per dwelling units with 2 or more bedrooms; plus 0.25 spaces per bedroom for dwelling units with 3 or more bedrooms |
Multifamily dwelling units, within the Alki area shown on Map B for23.54.015 1 | 1.5 spaces for each dwelling unit |
Multifamily residential use requirements with rent and income criteria For each dwelling unit rent and income-restricted at or below 80 percent of the median income 1, 5 | No minimum requirement |
Table A for 23.54.015
Required Parking for Non-residential Uses Other Than Institutions
Table B for 23.54.015
Required Parking for Residential Uses
Table C for 23.54.015
Required Parking for Public Uses and Institutions
Seattle Bike Parking Requirements
Use | Bike parking Long-term | Bike parking Short-term |
Eating and drinking establishments | 1 per 5,000 square feet | 1 per 1,000 square feet |
Entertainment uses other than theaters and spectator sports facilities | 1 per 10,000 square feet | Equivalent to 5 percent of maximum building capacity rating |
Theaters and spectator sports facilities | 1 per 10,000 square feet | Equivalent to 8 percent of maximum building capacity rating 2 |
Lodging uses | 3 per 40 rentable rooms | 1 per 20 rentable rooms plus 1 per 4,000 square feet of conference and meeting rooms |
Medical services | 1 per 4,000 square feet | 1 per 2,000 square feet |
Offices and laboratories, research and development | 1 per 2,000 square feet | 1 per 10,000 square feet |
Sales and services, general | 1 per 4,000 square feet | 1 per 2,000 square feet |
Sales and services, heavy | 1 per 4,000 square feet | 1 per 10,000 square feet of occupied floor area; 2 spaces minimum |
Institutions not listed below | 1 per 4,000 square feet | 1 per 10,000 square feet |
Child care centers | 1 per 4,000 square feet | 1 per 20 children. 2 spaces minimum |
Colleges | 1 per 5,000 square feet | 1 per 2,500 square feet |
Community clubs or centers | 1 per 4,000 square feet | 1 per 1,000 square feet |
Hospitals | 1 per 4,000 square feet | 1 per 10,000 square feet |
Libraries | 1 per 4,000 square feet | 1 per 2,000 square feet |
Museums | 1 per 4,000 square feet | 1 per 2,000 square feet |
Religious facilities | 1 per 4,000 square feet | 1 per 2,000 square feet |
Schools, primary and secondary | 3 per classroom | 1 per classroom |
Vocational or fine arts schools | 1 per 5,000 square feet | 1 per 2,500 square feet |
MANUFACTURING USES | 1 per 4,000 square feet | 1 per 20,000 square feet |
Congregate residences 4 | 1 per sleeping room | 1 per 20 sleeping rooms. 2 spaces minimum |
Multi-family structures 4 | 1 per dwelling unit and 1 per small efficiency dwelling unit | 1 per 20 dwelling units |
Single-family residences | None | None |
Park and ride facilities on surface parking lots | At least 20 5 | At least 10 |
Park and ride facilities in parking garages | At least 20 if parking is the principal use of a property; zero if non-parking uses are the principal use of a property | At least 10 if parking is the principal use of a property; zero if non-parking uses are the principal use of a property |
Flexible-use parking | 1 per 20 auto spaces | None |
Rail transit facilities and passenger terminals | Spaces for 5% of projected AM peak period daily ridership 5 | Spaces for 2% of projected AM peak period daily ridership |
Table D for 23.54.015 Parking for Bicycles
The parking requirements shown here are the typical required parking standards for the city of Seattle. Variance or exclusions to the parking count requirements could be allowed by the code for a specific project. The city of Seattle parking requirements are for general information. The Seattle standard parking requirements for an area can be modified by zoning overlays or other Seattle parking code requirements specific to each project.